PMEP(Prime Minister Employment Program) is a program launched by Nepal government in order to create and offer employment opportunities for the unemployed and economically active chunks of population in the country which guarantees income security. This. in other words, is the extension of social protection policy in Nepal and is an integral part of the Social Protection Floor (SPF) which aims to address the situation of working age people who are unemployed, as mentioned above, or are not receiving social benefits. For this program, the first phase is the recruitment of Officer and Nayab Subba. Under the Recruitment of Officer and Nayab Subba, first the online applications and then the exam was to be held. Then the selected officers and Nasu have to collect the data of unemployed people and ensure their employment.
For this purpose a website was hosted under The whole website and e-recruitment system was developed on php/CI. page) |
About PMEP e-recruitment system
PMEP e-recruitment system consists of online application and exam system.
Both of the system are build using:
php using CI
mysql for database
javascript and css for designing
Online application
+2 and Bachelor was the minimum criteria for Nasu and Officers respectively. So people who have the required educational qualification could apply for the post.Shorlisting criteria:
70% of secured marks in minimum educational qualification, 20 for higher educational qualification and 10 for experience.
summary for phase 2 |
Exam System
The shortlisted candidates had to appear multiple choice questions. They had to answer 25 questions and each questions hold 2 marks. Each candidates were given 30 minutes to complete the questions. The candidates could see the time remaining at their screen along with the questions they had attempted.
The exam was scheduled for 2 days on ICTC Pulchwok. First day it was for the officers of 4 province. Next day it was of remaining provinces officers along with nasu. The examof province 1 which was cancelled on day 1 was also held next day.
Expected number of candidates did not pass the exam. The e-recruitment system was re-held to fulfill the vacant seats. So the whole recruitment system was of phase-1 and phase-2.
People crowd at ICTC during first day of exam |
1.The website was hosted on C-panel.
A huge number of people tried for online application even on first few days resulting slow connection. So the online application was stopped for a while and switched it to virtual hosting with unlimited space. After that there was no problem on both phase-1 and phase-2 online applications.
2.At the first day of exam in phase-1 due to slow server connection, the exam of province 1 was shifted and scheduled for next day. The other schedule remained as it was, with no difficulties.
As a developer I feel proud to be engaged in pmep erecruitment. Pmep itself is a big project going on in the country and this e-recruitment is a big initiation for it.
My special thanks to Oxford Policy Management Family
Milan Karki-Project Co-ordinator
Suresh Man Joshi-Developer
Sanima Shrestha-Developer
I am really thankful to all the officers of Prime Minister Employment Program who stayed with us
PMEP is a good step taken by the government of Nepal. I really wish no Nepali go to sleep with hungry stomach and no roof to hide head on from now. I wish PMEP for a long run creating greater Nepal and a better home.
Thank you